Six Hills Brewing eh? Who’d have thought…
Way back in the depths of lock-down 3.0 we put together our last blog post. In that post we outlined our plans for the near future to step away from Bog Brew and head in a new, fresh direction with our brewing our ideas and our brand.
So here we are Six Hills Brewing in June 2021, fresh faced and raring to go! But how did we get here you ask? In March we sat down in the evening after a particularly chilly brew day and began to outline what we’re all about, who we are, and what our purpose was and will continue to be. A few beers were had along side a lengthy conversation and the following morning the signal flashed amber to green.
We have a lot thank Phillip Buckingham, and his team at 5HT, for where we are currently sat. In mid March we sat down for the first time as a group with Phillip and together began to discuss the who’s, the what’s and the why’s? Outlining our core values and the new face of the brewery was a fascinating process. We explored, together, things we had not previously considered about our identity and what we stand for now and going forward.
A short period of time afterwards, when the cores of our identity had been further established, we took a trip to Stevenage museum. What a fantastic experience this was. Getting back to the heart of Stevenage and its history was an eye opening experience and gave us a wealth of ideas for our brand. But it would be worth saying, not only was it a fantastic experience from a brand discovery perspective, as a Stevenage lad, it was great to look further into our great towns unique history! We strongly recommend a visit!
Armed with the knowledge of the tour, core identity and a brewery name we set to work on our new art style and colour palates. Stevenage itself has a classic colour palate so we took that idea and expanded upon it. Visually, Phillip and his team really pulled it out the bag and wowed us! The masked devil of the Six Hills was just the beginning, later seeing the addition of our new found characters who once played a part in Stevenage’s rich history (yes… Even Rosie!).
When it came round to our last meeting in mid May, we were all feeling pretty excited for the big reveal. If you could have been in the room when we saw our first can mock-ups and finalised brand artwork we were all stunned as to how awesome it looked. The process encapsulated what we, as a community, a town and a brewery are all about. Safe to say we love it and couldn’t have hoped for better!
Most important perhaps of the process, the beer itself! We set about consolidation in the brewery and our processes, making sure we can, and will continue to be able to produce the best beers possible, with the finest ingredients. A new house yeast has been selected, then selecting two great malting’s for our malt (Crisp and Weyermann) as well as a cracking hop supplier! The future is bright, and there is so much more just ahead of us.
We’ve loved every second of this new journey, and it’s all coming to fruition. We wouldn’t be here without the help of some great people and expertise, in particular, Phillip and the team at 5HT for their amazing efforts - You’ll always be welcome here at the brewery!
So, that’s us into our next chapter, I suppose there’s only one thing for it, a pint of ‘John Drives a Super Bus’ please! #SixCheers